Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5k a day -- Day 12

Guys, I'm about to lose it.  Boards are two days away, and on the surface I feel find about it, but then I realize I've had mild/weird nightmares the past few nights, am irritable, and generally feeling a little emotionally labile.  Guess that means the anxiety is getting to me after all, at least on a subconscious level.

The weather was nice so I was going to run tonight, but I pulled up board review questions on my phone and did a set while I walked instead.

In good/other news, Marshmallow came running down the street to meet me.  While I was rubbing his belly, a family pulled up in a mini-van, and parked.  Apparently, Marshmallow is "Cloud" (which I think we can all agree is a much inferior name) and is one of 6 cats (I guess 4 are kittens?) in their house.  They let the two grown up cats outside during the day.  They seemed oblivious to the danger of their cat running up and down a well-driven road.  Despite the fact they called him and he came running, almost getting hit by a car in the process.  They also don't seem to realize both his eyes are infected, and he likely needs eye drops and a FelV (sp?) workup.  I did mention that the city is pretty strict about collars and licensing of animals, so they had better do that before the cats get picked up as strays.  It makes me sad that they're not being properly cared for, but at least Marshmallow Watch Day 3 ends with some answers.

The 5k:

5k in . . . .um. . . 
So I updated to the iOS 10 public beta, and my MapMyrRun app keeps crashing.  I can log workouts on it but I can't review them, and it hasn't uploaded them to the website.

So.  To be updated?

The Workout:

(At least I only keep track of the numbers for this part)

62 squats
80 seconds plank
21 modified push ups

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