Sunday, July 17, 2016

5k a day -- Day 3

I know better than to eat before a run.  I really do.  Wait, let's do numbers first, and then I'll explain why they look a little funky.

The Run

5k in 53:20
17:12 min/mi average pace
Splits:  11:45/20:50/18:35/21:38

And the workout:

44 squats
35 seconds plank
12 modified push ups

Back to the story:

I generally don't eat anything before a run -- my body just doesn't like it.  But I slept in today, so I didn't run immediately upon waking.  Plus, the weather was perfect so there was a great reason to head to my favorite park for the run.  So given the later run, and the 35ish minute drive to get to that park, I figured I could/should eat something small and that by the time I got dressed and got started, the food would be pretty settled.

I was wrong.

The plan was to just jog a slow, easy 5k, so I was pleased when I looked down to see my first mile was 11:45 -- faster than my usual time.  But then.  *gurgle*  Huh?   *grumble*  Damn. 

I slowed down to a walk, hoping less jostling = less upset.  No dice.  The path at this beautiful park is a 5k loop, and by now, I was at the far end of it.  So that 20:50 second mile was mostly me looking around for a bathroom.

Also no dice.

I spent the rest of the 5k walking back to the entrance (where there are bathrooms) alternating "I should get there quickly as possible and speedwalk/run" with "no, no bouncy, no bouncy, nice and smooth."

I know, TMI.  

Here, as an apology for the TMI, and so you can see why I love running here so much, have a picture of the trail. 

At the end of the day, I did my 5k, and it ended up turning into an active rest.

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